Regal Academy
Teenager Rose Cinderella is as much a normal girl as she is a shoeaholic and a fairy tale fanatic. She thought fairy tales only existed in books, but then she discovered a key that opened a door to a fantastical new realm. Rose's wonderful family history is only surpassed by what she finds when she accidentally enters Fairy Tale Land. Grandma Cinderella is the principal of Regal Academy, where five royal families from various fairy tales work together to train the next generation of princes and princesses to become heroes. Astoria Rapunzel, Joy Le Frog, Travis Beast, and Hawk Snow-white, Rose's new best friends, must now learn to use their magic and live up to the illustrious reputations of their famous family names as they help Rose and her family save the kingdom from evil witches and master the art of dragon flight.
Released: 2016-05-21