Jonas, previously Marketed as"J.O.N.A.S.", is a Disney Channel Original Series created by Roger S. H. Schulman and Michael Curtis, starring the Jonas Brothers.
The brothers seem like the"Lucas Brothers", the 3 members of the literary band"JONAS" who strive to live a regular life in the face of stardom. The pilot had been filmed in 2007 but as a result of the 2007--2008 Writers Guild of America attack, the show was put on hold. The shooting date was set in January 2008, but had been pushed back to September 2008. The show became available on demand starting April 25, 2009, also established on Disney Channel on May 2, 2009.
JONAS may be your initial Disney Channel Original Series (DCOS) since Phil of the near future never to be filmed before a live studio audience or to have fun track. The show was the first on the system premiere on a Saturday night, a portion of a strategy by Disney to start up the nighttime to original programming and also then contend against Nickelodeon dominance of this evening. The show is set in New Jersey and taken Hollywood Center Studios.
Released: 2009-05-02