In the Family
Precocious Chip Hines, age 6, has spent his entire childhood in the little town of Martin, Tennessee, with his two fathers, Cody and Joey. Indeed, you have a good life. Joey and Chip have a hard time getting back on their feet after Cody's untimely death in a vehicle accident. Right when things are looking up, Cody's will shows that he designated his sister as Chip's guardian. When Chip is stolen from Joey, all of the years of him fitting in perfectly as one of the family crumble. Joey, now living alone, tries to figure out what to do. He has pals, but the law is not on his side. Joey, fortified by their support and buoyed by fond recollections of Cody, is able to move closer to his kid and find peace in his family.
Released: 2011-11-04