Dinocroc vs. Supergator
On a lush tropical island acres of vegetables has not grown, but unwittingly recorded two reptiles also. They've broken free of their tanks, and Drake has only a single option: him closes down and kill the creatures before word return to Washington. When Drake team of well-armed mercenaries gets damaged within hours of setting down in the jungle, he also turns to a single hunter,'' The Cajun, to move in only. However, will The Cajun be cunning enough to find the creatures before they turn the waters red with the blood of tourists and destroy them. The only hope is to attract the creatures together and also make them struggle. Which is going to be enough time to attack and kill the other, If a person appears victorious. Ultimately the only person which may get the job done, although it's really a risky plan. Certainly one of David Carradine films.
Released: 2010-06-26